Diseases Caused Genital Warts

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venerealdiseaseabout.blogspot.com Venereal disease   

There is one that many contracted venereal diseases to the adult and Warts Sex, also known as genital warts or Condiloma acuminata, are one type of sexually transmitted diseases are most common. As the name suggests, genital warts affect the moist tissues of the genital area. Sex visible warts ketch or look like cauliflower. Although very small, Genital wartsdapat breed in large groups.

In women, genital warts can grow on the vulva, vaginal walls, the area between the external genitals and anus, and cervix. In men, genital warts can occur on the tip or shaft of the penis, scrotum or anus. Genital warts also can develop in the mouth or throat of a person who likely had oral sex with an infected person.

The signs and symptoms of genital warts include: 
* Area small gray colored swelling around the genital 
* Several adjacent warts that resemble cauliflower 
* Itching or discomfort in the genital area 
* Bleeding during intercourse
Often times, did not have symptoms of genital warts. This is due to the wart grows very small and flat so it can not be seen with the naked eye.

Though genital warts can be treated with drugs and surgery, the disease is a serious health problem. The virus that causes genital warts - human papillomavirus (HPV) - associated with cervical cancer. The virus is also associated with genital cancer.

To be sure a good idea to consult with your doctor immediately if any signs you are affected by this disease.

Ricco prasetia

Hazard Perform Oral Sex

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venerealdiseaseabout.blogspot.com Venereal disease   

Many people who think that Oral Sex is more varied, not risky and more intimate, this is the reason that so many people about the reasons why love oral sex. Sex activity involving genital area and it does have a mouth sensation, because the lips, tongue and even teeth can be explored to provide a delightful touches. But who's to say not at risk? Behind it all turns out oral sex could threaten the health and longevity of your relationship. Moreover, it turns out the perception of women and men about oral sex are different. Here are four things about oral sex you need to know.

Oral sex and throat cancer
You certainly know the virus HPV, or human papillomavirus, the main cause of cervical cancer in women. Certain types of HPV is suspected as the cause of oropharynx cancer of the throat and tonsils. Oral sex can be a mediator migration of HPV, which means you risk causing throat cancer, both men and women.

Oral sex can ruin a relationship
Not everyone feels comfortable about his private area to be treated with something unusual. Often the desire of couples to make someone not dare to resist even though he himself could not enjoy such oral sex activity. If you do not find the best solution for both of us, this activity can actually destroy a relationship.

Oral sex also need a safety
Although less risky oral sex cause pregnancy, but condoms are still necessary to avoid sexually transmitted diseases. Various venereal disease virus can be transmitted through oral sex, could even be a disease also in tissues of the mouth. Using a condom is one of the safeguards to prevent the spread of this virus.

Oral sex among teenagers
As reported on WebMD, most teens do not consider oral sex as something risky in terms of both health and social. This is because sex is only seen as biological activity alone, while when viewed in terms of moral, oral sex activity still can not be justified. Based on a survey reported by WebMD on 425 respondents, it is known that the reason they do that is to have fun, strengthen relationships, to fame and curiosity. For boys, the fun is the main reason, while women do more to strengthen their relationship. To that end, should be given sex education is not just about pregnancy, but also about the moral of having sex before marriage.

By it once again because we have to think of before doing so tehindar Oral Sex from deadly internal medicine.

Ricco prasetia

Making HIV / AIDS Virus "Sleeping"

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You should know, that the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) would not contagious though only by contact with the sufferers! The lack of understanding of the transmission of HIV still poses a negative stigma among the general public. Including when looking at children who have a parent with HIV / AIDS does not mean his son also contracted the virus.

HIV / AIDS transmission from parent to child can be prevented by the consumption of antiretroviral drugs or ARVs. A drug used to inhibit the proliferation of retroviruses such as HIV. In other words, drugs are able to stop the reproduction of HIV in the body.

That needs to be understood is infectious HIV in the blood. So, the first thing to do with HIV when they want to have children is a pressing amount of HIV virus in the blood as low as to not be detected or the number zero.

How to create a virus that "sleep" is the consumption of drugs and the use of CD4-immune system (a type of white blood cells that HIV uses to replicate) with predetermined conditions.

Although not able to heal, able to work ARVs reduce mortality, which certainly have an impact on improving the quality of life for people with HIV / AIDS. That is why the world campaigning for Getting to Zero program for persons with HIV / AIDS.
The Center for Disabilities Studies and Co-Director, Child Protection Center at the Faculty of Social, University changin, Professor wu sha wei, Ph.D describes three prevention programs Getting to Zero, among others:

Zero new HIV infection 
For those who have been infected, it is definitely taking ARVs should continue. However, this would still require motivation, both of the next of kin and the environment. Basically those infected require disclosure to be accepted in society. 

Zero AIDS-related death 
Prior to 2009, those with HIV / AIDS is generally contracted through sharing needles. However, now the transmission is not the biggest factor of the syringe again, but from sexual intercourse with an infected partner. Before this happens to you, need proper education to know as early as possible so that HIV prevention. Including avoiding multiple partners.

Zero discrimination  
This is the most difficult stage of the two previous stages, because of the negative stigma that is still attached. So as not to complicate the phase one (zero new infection), in order to avoid exclusion of those with HIV / AIDS to improve their quality of life.

By it because we have to support the campaign against the HIV virus and the use of condoms and healthy sex instead of isolating infected.


Ricco prasetia

Intimate Waxing Area Could Trigger Sex Disease

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The longer the disease spread rapidly and dangerous including venereal disease that can be transmitted from a variety of places and ways berbaggai especially for women.

In order to look clean and beautiful, the weather was willing to do anything to tinggkatkan confidence. One is the removal of hair in a particular area. Although not visible from the outside, the growth of hair in the armpits or intimate area is an issue of femininity.

No wonder that today many women who do Bazillian Waxing. But according to a study, waxing is done in an intimate area is not a good solution for hair removal, but it will only lead to venereal disease.

French researchers warn, brazillian waxing can increase the risk of contagious skin infections, molluscum contagium. It is a disease caused by a poxvirus infection. Transmitted from one person to another by skin bumps caused the emergence of small, flat, circular, white, clear, or yellow. Sometimes red and inflamed.

Common in adults due to sexual contact or through contaminated towels or clothing. It means that the disease can attack vital organs and is often regarded as a contagious disease.

Dailymail reports said about 30 percent of women aged over 28 years are infected molluscum contagium. Symptoms appear papules, bumps on the skin without any pain. Its spread was relatively easy, if you scratch or accidentally scratch disease can be menural.

By then we should have to avoid doing waxing in place that does not have a clear and reliable quality.

Ricco prasetia

You Know 5 Types That Serious Harm Sexual Disorders?

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There may be some people may have problems with their genitals. Problems in this area may be trivial, but it can not have just addressed. There are some diseases that are harmful sexual disorder and you need to know. In addition to physically interfere, the disease can be psychologically disturbing to the sufferer.

The disease comes from the (deviant) and philia (interest). Interest in this disease is not just a deviant interest in the opposite sex who is not supposed to be, but it could also be a change in their interest in a particular object of the pair. Could also include the opposite sex torture aka sadomasokism, interested in animals and so on. Such disorders include psychological disorder and should be treated with therapy.

Not only insomnia, seksomnia also a dangerous disease to humans. The disease is usually in the form of sexual behavior while sleeping. So when a person is asleep, they could have sex with her partner and the next day when I woke up, they will forget what they have done. Actually this disease including a sleep disorder, but it can also be categorized as a dangerous sexual disorder.
Perhaps you're familiar with this one abnormality. People who can not control their sexual desires usually categorized as hiperseks aka sex addiction. In the severe stage, a person who experienced sexual harassment will try to find anything and anyone to vent his lust. To be able to solve problems like this, you could undergo some light therapy and self-contained as fasting, to special treatment in order to reduce the habit.

Priapism is a common disease that struck the man. Usually because they are using certain medications such powerful drugs that cause erection problems that harm. Therefore, you should avoid the consumption of potent drug that is not controlled and replace it with foods that help your vitality.

Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome
This disease is a disease that causes the sufferer to feel horny whenever and wherever. Usually trigger an orgasm without sex. As is often the case that women can orgasm multiple times in a day. This could be related to food or hormonal problems.

By it because we must always maintain a healthy and regular exercise so that physical psychology and we are always healthy to have sex.

Source : vemale.com
Author  : ricco


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