You know? Spa Fish Could Spread of HIV virus.

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You certainly do not hear the familiar fish spa? Fish foot spa pedicure using this one is being popular everywhere. But health experts gave a serious warning that the fish spa can transmit HIV and hepatitis. So, for those who have a communicable disease should not do the fish spa because it can spread the disease he has.

Researchers say that the transmission of dangerous diseases through fish spa, where the Garra Rufa fish to nibble dead skin from feet-skin spa users, the likelihood is small, but it's not meant to be ignored.

In addition, the pond for the fish spa allegedly contains many microorganisms that may be detrimental to health. So the bacteria can spread through water or through fish spa, Garra Rufa itself.

Just imagine, when a person infected with HIV or hepatitis had a leg wound and using fish spa, of course dangerous disease viruses that can be transmitted to others.

his study was conducted due to numerous fish spa and the increasing interest in the spa on this one. But people should not worry too much. As quoted as quoted by the Daily Mail, the Health Protection Agency (HPA) said that if the salon or spa where fish follow hygiene procedures correctly, then the chances of transmitting diseases such as HIV or hepatitis would be very low.

"Every salon should check their customers, whether they have the disease are at risk of infectious or not. Salon should also check the condition of the feet of the customer to ensure there are no injuries, "said Dr. Hilary Kirkbride, consultant epidemiologist at the HPA.

And the experts suggested a therapeutic nenggunakan for these fish should be done alone without must go to the spa because it has a high risk.

Sources and references: Daily News

You Know? Most of The AIDS Deaths Caused Delay in Diagnosis.

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AIDS is one of the most feared infectious diseases to date and there is no medicine is 100 percent. Ironically, AIDS prevention campaigns continue to grow despite the spread of the HIV virus that causes AIDS has been a lot done all walks of life.

According to the Health Protection Agency, in the UK alone there are 100,000 people infected with the HIV virus. While a quarter of them are not aware of or do not know that they are infected with the deadly virus. "We are very concerned that a large number of people in the UK are not aware of their HIV status to themselves and those diagnosed late," said Delpech Dr.Valerie.

Although the virus is quite dangerous and deadly, it does not mean a person infected with HIV does not have a chance to live a long life like other healthy people. Early detection and appropriate treatment can increase the chance of a longer life for those living with HIV.

Unfortunately, the majority of deaths from AIDS is because the sufferer is too late to know that they are infected with the disease. In the year 2010 alone there are 680 people who died of AIDS, and two-thirds of them died because of delays in diagnosis.

As quoted by the Daily Mail Sidomi News, a survey revealed that heterosexual men are those most affected by HIV are diagnosed late. Of all patients, there was 68% of heterosexual men who are not aware that they are infected with this virus and late diagnosed, whereas homosexual men only 39% and 58% of heterosexual women there were late being diagnosed with HIV.

Of the data is more medical experts advise that everyone is more concerned with their health and be more alert to the transmission of the HIV virus. Not only that, experts and medical consultants also urged that HIV testing be part of a test that can be offered to any visitor hospitals or health clinics, especially in regions or countries with high levels of HIV infection and for those who frequent exchange partner so often check their health.

Sources and references: Daily Mail

Circumcision Can Prevent Urinary Tract Infections and Venereal Disease

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Many people already know that circumcision beneficial to prevent venereal disease, But turned out to have benefits in men because the ability to be better in preventing the transmission of HIV / AIDS. However, research conducted Montreal Children's Hospital, Canada, stated, circumcision is also beneficial in preventing the occurrence of urinary tract infections in men. Men who have not taken boil on his penis, has a high risk of getting the disease.

Cause originated from the boil. On the boil allow a gathering place for bacteria. Men have two types boil. Ie, boil that can be drawn so that the hole looks urethra or the urinary tract, and boil that can only be showing some of the urethra. From the observations of researchers, men who showed partial boil penis urethra, higher urinary tract infection under attack. Bacteria lodged in kulubnya easier.

In this study involved 400 boys. Obtained from the observation of them, the risk of urinary tract infections increased by 25 percent in children who have not been circumcised. Meanwhile, the kids who have to get circumcision, the possibility of infection is only about 5 percent.

Previously, we found the benefits of circumcision in reducing the risk of transmission of HIV / AIDS in Africa. Langerhans cells are numerous in the inner boil, being in the media transmission of HIV / AIDS. When a man undergo circumcision, the number of Langerhans cells is reduced because of the cuts partly boil. This is then to reduce the risk of transmission, although not 100 percent effective.

Origin not having sex is safer for the prevention of transmission of HIV / AIDS and by some scientists because it also advised him to do the circumcision.

Author: Ricco

If your sign is she infected HIV Positive

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As we know that, HIV Aids is a terrible disease, so that everyone tries to avoid this disease. However, many people who do not know the characteristics of the sufferers and gejalnya. Though information on HIV Aids will be useful knowledge, for themselves and family to get away and do the early treatment of infection.

Signs a person infected with the HIV virus will not be seen before the virus spreads in the body. Indeterminate time, can be 2, 3 or 10 years into the future. The signs will be seen when the incubation period has ended. When the virus was asleep in the bloodstream, the person will not realize unless laboratory tests. However, if the HIV virus has appeared, then the body's health to deteriorate so badly.

Here are the early signs that may be seen when a person infected with HIV:

sudden fever
When the virus has begun to infect, then the fever will usually appear suddenly. Low-grade fever is often accompanied by cough and flu. The duration of only a few days, then soon after could have no other signs for years.

When the break was enough, eating nutritious, and not a lot of activity but still feel exhausted, this could be a sign that a person is infected with HIV.

Swollen lymph nodes
Swelling of lymph nodes and muscle aches mostly because the HIV virus attacks the spleen fluid.

Dizziness or headache that felt continuous and unbroken with demamdan weak.

Skin so sensitive
Skin so sensitive, red and bleed easily just because of the small touches or scratches.

Nails colorless
Will grow brittle nails, corrugated, and becomes colorless or thin and transparent.  

By because it is when we are experiencing the above symptoms as this helps us to immediately report to the agency or the nearest hospital for urgent treatment.

Author: Ricco


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